Update 15/7/2023


You have a spaceship ship full of robots, a drone and a planet to sabotage for the safety of the solar system. Highblast is a game about an agency protecting a solar system from a greedy civilisation.

[h2]New features of this update:[/h2] The new scoring system has been implemented! You now earn points when completing a mission. Every enemy killed is +10pt The shorter the round is the more bonus points you get. Every one of your own bots killed is -10pt [h2]Patch notes:[/h2] -Assigned enter button to the Robot menu's "Select" button which has an annoying habit of disappearing on some devices. -Fixed old code causing victory to trigger when only one enemy is killed. -Fixed 3 objects in the level foundry that were not able to be placed. -Self destruct is now BACKSPACE. -Workshop and store page updates. Menu screen score is stuck at 15 points, this is a known issue and will be fixed next update. Any other bugs should be reported to the steam forums! [h2]Next planned features:[/h2] -Drone and robot UI review and remaster. Plans have been made. -Drone weaponry. -Base vulnerability (weak points in the structure to sabotage power). -Improved graphics (Switching to Universal Render Pipeline). -Fixing base module issues (Geometry errors and textures). -Different terrain options to choose from in the level foundry. Thanks very much for playing Highblast! QadarCG & ilikefrogs101.