In the long-awaited digital adaptation of Uwe Rosenberg's Patchwork, players patch their way to victory using fabric pieces of assorted sizes, colors, and buttons.
[h2]Hello everyone! [/h2]
Todays Update contains new lobby features and bugfixes:
- you can now directly start all kinds of games from a lobby
- Starting friendly games from lobby does not require adding users to friend list.
- ranking points limit in steps of 50
- +- 500 ranking points limit
- fast or regular time window
- auto start after lobby complete – 60 sec
- filter lobbies with friends
- filter ranked / casual
- filter fast or regular time window
- filter for number of slots
- filter Lobby-Name
- filter for incomplete lobbies
- sort by random, newest, oldest, fullest and emptiest
- fast join (Fast mode Lobbys stay open as long as you keep the app open. If you close the app all own fast mode Lobbys will be closed and left.)
- Bugfix: Game over not showing after surrender
- Bugfix: Ranking points on game over screen
- Bugfix: Games not removable from running games list
Thank you for your patience and for helping us to improve the game by sending bug reports and giving us feedback!