In the long-awaited digital adaptation of Uwe Rosenberg's Patchwork, players patch their way to victory using fabric pieces of assorted sizes, colors, and buttons.
[h1]Hello everyone![/h1]
Currently we are testing our [b]new Lobby Room Upgrade[/b].
It will contain the following features:
- Lobby functions ( rebalanced tiles / fast join/ ranking points limit 50 steps +- 500/ (fast/ regular time window) (auto start 60 sec))
- Filter ( rebalanced tiles / lobbies with friends / ranked / casual / fast or regular time window )
- Lobby Name Filter (Hiding full lobbys and defining number of slots (Not in the screenshots yet))
Here is a first look:
Apart from that we fixed following issues in this version:
-fixed game over not showing after surrender
-fixed ranking points on game over screen
We hope to share this features and fixes with you soon, after having them tested!
And lastly: We added an explanation on [b]how our ranking system works[/b] to our FAQ's. You can find it on this page:
"How does the ranking system work?"