Update 1.10.2: Crew Management

SeaOrama: World of Shipping

Experience the challenges of running a successful shipping company with Seaorama: World of Shipping.

Hello, Seaorama Community! We are excited to bring you version 1.10.2, packed with new features and important fixes to enhance your gameplay experience. Here’s what’s new: [hr][/hr] [h3]New Features[/h3] [list] [*][b]Crew Assign/Unassign Option:[/b] Players now have the flexibility to move crew members around without firing them. Crew can remain unassigned but still under contract with your company, providing more strategic crew management options.[/*] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42843914/92da7100cb20c975f75cf15589e5a07edf9ed836.png[/img] [*][b]Instant Ship Upgrades and Facilities:[/b] New ships can now be purchased with upgrades and facilities already installed, eliminating the extra waiting time previously required.[/*] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42843914/ead08ff91c476a6e83f3f337e87466ec74bb23f5.png[/img] [*][b]Global Economy Window:[/b] This window now shows the Average Daily Fee, giving players a better insight into the global economic trends.[/*] [*][b]AI Behaviour Adjustments:[/b] We've made adjustments to the AI behaviour for a more realistic and challenging gameplay.[/*] [/list] [hr][/hr] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*][b]Crash Issue with Australian Contracts:[/b] Fixed a rare issue causing crashes when obtaining contracts from Australia.[/*] [*][b]Duplicate Spanish Port Names:[/b] Resolved issues with duplicate port names in the Spanish region for better navigation and clarity.[/*] [*][b]Store Purchase Repetition:[/b] Addressed a bug in the store that caused repeated purchases of used items.[/*] [*][b]Minor UI Issues:[/b] Various small UI issues have been fixed, enhancing the overall user interface.[/*] [*][b]3D View Lighting Fix:[/b] Corrected false lighting effects in the 3D night view for a more realistic experience.[/*] [/list] [hr][/hr] We hope these updates will significantly improve your experience in Seaorama. We are committed to continuously enhancing the game, and your feedback is crucial to us. Thank you for your ongoing support and enjoy sailing! [u]The Seaorama Team[/u]