Patch 2.1.2 - Ranked Mode Updates and More!

SeaOrama: World of Shipping

Experience the challenges of running a successful shipping company with Seaorama: World of Shipping.

Ahoy, Seaorama Captains! ⚓️ We’re excited to announce that [b]Version 2.1.2[/b] for [b]Seaorama: World of Shipping[/b] is now live! This update includes important updates to Ranked Mode and several general improvements. Here's what's new: [h2]🏆 Ranked Mode[/h2] [list] [*][b]Ranked Mode Season 1 Ends:[/b] Season 1 will end on August 9th due to major updates on balancing.[/*] [*][b]Season Resets:[/b] All seasons will reset every 30 days, giving everyone a fresh start regularly.[/*] [*][b]Leaderboard Enhancements:[/b] Added Year and Fleet size information to the Ranked Mode leaderboard for better tracking.[/*] [*][b]Managers in Ranked Mode:[/b] Managers are now included in Ranked Mode to enhance strategic planning.[/*] [/list] [h2]🔧 General Improvements[/h2] [list] [*][b]Manager Specialization:[/b] Managers can now manage specific types of ships, providing more specialized control.[/*] [*][b]Various Bug Fixes:[/b] Addressed multiple bugs to improve overall game stability and performance.[/*] [*][b]Search Port UI Fixes:[/b] Fixed issues with the search port UI for a smoother user experience.[/*] [/list] We’re committed to continually improving [b]Seaorama: World of Shipping[/b] and appreciate your feedback. Enjoy the new features and fixes in this latest update! [u]The Seaorama Team[/u] 🚢💙