Update 1.09 is now live!

The Bard's Tale Trilogy

The Bard's Tale Trilogy is a complete remaster of the iconic series that helped define the RPG genre. Featuring updated graphics and optional quality of life gameplay features, this is the ideal way to experience the dungeon crawling challenge that made the original games beloved classics.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33355397/0590210b58f0016bc4b478589598477aa01d70cf.gif[/img] Hi all, Version 1.09 has now been pushed from beta to live. It contains a few things we felt was worth pushing prior to BT2 release (which we have been focusing on over the last couple of weeks). We've added the OpenGL renderer. To access it to you create a shortcut to the game exe and add the -force-glcore commandline to it. We've heard this can be useful for WINE users, though people have had success running the standard DirectX version on WINE. We've done some significant performance improvements to the city. it should help with people on below-min-spec machines, and with laptop battery draining. Major Changes [list] [*]Added opengl support so Linux users can test with WINE, use commandline option: -force-glcore [*]Major performance improvement for when in skara brae and during portraite events like shops, guild, temples or combat. [/list] Quality of Life [list] [*]Show weapon damage in player stats [*]You can now filter spells by spell type [*](healing/damage/aoe/summon/buff/curse) when casting. [*]Spells that we don't have enough spellpoints to cast now appear as red [*]Review board tells you what spells you will learn when buying a spell level, or changing class. [*]Show tooltips for int/str/dex/etc stats in the guild when rolling characters.. [/list] UI Fixes [list] [*]Shrink scrolling text font down to same size as options. [*]fix artifact line beside journal icons [*]lots of little grammatical errors in the spell text. [*]fixed text output when a group attack spell misses or fizzles on people. [/list] Gameplay Fixes [list] [*]Monsters now correctly spawn in up to 4 groups [*]Monsters now correctly spawn to their max groups size (ie. 8 for barbarians, not 7) [*]Fix issue where weapon toHit bonus was being added TWICE to damage in combat [*]Casting a new light spell now replaces the DetectDoors effect also - so casting cats eye means you lose your detect doors effect. [*]Fix scry site journal bug - it can change your map but not update the map up/down buttons. [*]Fix recharge all - was charging dead people [*]Fix data error in Flame Column - was doing max 28 damage instead of 88. [*]Major elevation & mage flame no longer castable in combat [*]Insane characters can no longer be possessed (and anything that inflicts insanity will remove possession) [*]Fix mithril arrow cost [*]Fix ag's arrow cost [*]Fix zen arrow cost [*]Advance command now will now execute before most monster attacks - this prevents them summoning to abort your Advance. [*]Newly summoned monsters won't get an attack until the next combat round.[/list]