Return to some well-worn dungeons in The Bard s Tale Trilogy next week

The Bard's Tale Trilogy

The Bard's Tale Trilogy is a complete remaster of the iconic series that helped define the RPG genre. Featuring updated graphics and optional quality of life gameplay features, this is the ideal way to experience the dungeon crawling challenge that made the original games beloved classics.

As exciting as inXile’s upcoming The Bard’s Tale 4 looks, it’s heartening to see that the studio hasn’t forgotten the roots of the series. Preempting the release of their modern sequel, they’re rolling out remastered versions of Interplay’s original three DOS-era dungeon crawlers. Redrawn, re-animated and given more room to breathe in a slightly more modern, high-resolution UI, the remastered The Bard’s Tale Trilogy will be launching its first game on August 14th, with the other two due by year’s end.
