Update 1.0 Release

The Evil in the Forest

«The Evil in the Forest» is a 3rd-person fantasy horror adventure game. The game tells you the dark story of a man named Derek Bain - a single father who, being a researcher in the field of natural resources, arrives with his daughter Kate in a mystical forest...

Dear players! Today we’ve finally finished the main part of work on our game. We’ve added a lot of new details and fixed a significant number of bugs. It was a difficult year which affected the quality of many game projects, including ours. We didn’t have time to implement all our ideas that were originally planned, but we’ll definitely do it in our future updates. Now that the main part of work is finished, the next stage of our development will be an update that will add co-op mode and full controller support (which many of you have been waiting for). We’re also going to release various cosmetic updates to the game that will improve its visualization. Thank you to all the players for your patience, support and faith in our project. We appreciate each of you, and we do our best to make happy with the game. Sincerely, the Souly Games team. P.S. Also, we’d like to wish all the players a happy New Year. We wish you all the best, so that you’ll be healthy, happy and in the new year you’ll always come across only high-quality and interesting games! Happy holidays, friends!