Patch 0.7.7

The Evil in the Forest

«The Evil in the Forest» is a 3rd-person fantasy horror adventure game. The game tells you the dark story of a man named Derek Bain - a single father who, being a researcher in the field of natural resources, arrives with his daughter Kate in a mystical forest...

In this patch version 0.7.7 we have made the following changes: - Complete reworking of the game's save system (Important! If you have problems with saving after updating the game, you need to reinstall the game files completely); - The number of checkpoints during searching of the Raven’s totems has been increased; - New animations for monsters have been added; - New effects for monsters have been added; - The game locations "The Cursed Forest" and "The Spirit World" have been improved; - The speed and the radius of the review from hostile NPCs have been changed; Dear players! The game has changed a lot technically and now it’s going to take a new level of development. The update to version 0.8 is coming soon! Sincerely, the Souly Games team.