Das Geisterschiff is a cyberpunk dungeon crawler where you play as a mecha pilot working for one of the megacorps.
[*]Added the ability to change the controls by editing a configuration file.
[*]Adjusted the logic behind message boxes. Now they will wait for user input instead of staying on screen for a fixed amount of time.
[*]Adjusted status effect triggers to deliver more steady results.
[*]Fixed annoying delay whenever the door animation has finished playing.
[*]Fixed excessive draw calls in certain areas.
[*]Fixed a critical bug which would stop loading the music altogether if the game attempted to load a track while another track was being loaded.
[*]Fixed a rare critical issue which could bug autosaves between chapters. In case you ever encounter it again, please restart the current map/chapter from the death screen. [Reported by Tweed]
[*]Fixed unresponsive skip button in the intro text roll.
[*]Fixed certain objects being attached to the wrong prefab, making them appear a bit different when entering certain maps for the first time.
[*]Fixed subtle hissing in a few audio tracks.
[*]Improved music transitions with proper crossfading.
[*]Switched music format from ADPCM to Vorbis.
[*]Increased speed of door opening animations if they're opened via remote access.
[*]Reduced download size.
[*]Minor code optimizations.
Note: you can access 'controls.bnd' by going to 'c:/Users/[your username]/AppData/LocalLow/Graverobber Foundation/Das Geisterschiff/' to modify the controls. You need to run the game at least once in order to generate this file.