Update 1.0.4 - a bunch of small fixes!

Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive

Survive through four days at the end of the world in this post-apocalyptic point-and-click thriller where your choices could keep you alive... or not.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30507001/c260c66f246b8f4a67d759217f13a27c5720b129.gif[/img] In version 1.0.4 we have addressed a number of text errors and graphical glitches. Thanks to everyone who has reported bugs on forums, via email etc. [b] Here's a quick summary of the most important changes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the most common text glitch concerning Day 3 results screen, poison and Cody. [*] Added a missing [i][Drop item to set up][/i] to a couple of items (Powered gas heater, activated Heat Absorber) [*] Movement speed (animations) of locust and spiders have been adjusted. [*] Several instances of dialogues had mismatched lines. This has been corrected. [*] Random dialogues between NPCs were occurring a bit too often. A delay between them has been slightly increased. [*] Music during the final sequence was not looping. That has been fixed. [*] The game would restart if there was no end-day autosave and your time run out. Now if there is no end-day autosave yet, the most recent autosave will be loaded instead. [*] Day 4 Death screens were mixed up. [*] On the Construction Site, some of the background elements were visually unaffected by the sunset. [*] Other small glitches [*] A typo here and there [/list] Please continue to let us know when you encounter bugs and we'll fix them ASAP! Thanks to everyone who has supported us so far... your comments and reviews mean a lot! [h1]Coming soon... [/h1] [b]badges and trading cards![/b]