Update 1.0.28

Marble It Up! Ultra

Roll, bounce, boost, and blast your way to victory in Marble It Up! Ultra - the ultimate marble platformer. Chase the records of your friends and the world's best players through a vast campaign - or face them head-on in thrilling multiplayer mayhem. Get ready to roll!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33862899/763328ee8f971698265275b03a373aae1a599202.png[/img] Thanks once again to our fantastic community on [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/marbleitup]Discord[/url] for helping find and squash a bunch more bugs! Thanks to community feedback, we have several new features in this update - with plenty more in the works! [h1]Steam Workshop Leaderboards[/h1] Steam Workshop levels have continually impressed us with their inginuity, artistry, and clever designs. To bring them into the core singleplayer gameplay experience we've equipped each workshop level created with a Steam Leaderboard so that you can view global and friends' top times on your favorite community maps. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33862899/133902225dbb0e47d0af354055a5f8c6fc44662e.png[/img] Additionally, each Steam Leaderboard entry has a replay attached to it using the Steam Cloud system so you can still watch the crazy world record for custom levels and improve your performance by racing ghosts! [h1]Improvements and Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Added camera distance slider [*] Fixed hitching when loading music tracks [*] Invert X/Y now correctly works with mouse input [*] Fixed issue locking input on empty last page of cosmetics [*] Mouse only shows in menu if no controller is attached or mouse moves [*] Added a fix for macOS mouse cursor visibility during gameplay [*] Dramatically reduced level file sizes [*] Fixed some level lightmaps [*] Fixed Out-of-bounds + Rewinding issue [*] Steam Workshop level selection pips now wrap across screen [*] Fixed issue with animated marble rendering in Forward Render path [*] Fixed Discord API preventing clean application quit [*] Disabled selection of local scores since only one replay is saved [*] Better Steam authentication process [*] Fixed cosmetic UI render issue [*] Fixed for rewinding replay glitches [*] Fixed issue with marble becoming stuck on Bashers [*] Fixed issue with Level Select UI when moving to next chapter [*] Fixed compressing replay bug [*] Updated replay info text with temporary solution for Keyboard values [/list] Keep on marblin'! [h1]- Edit -[/h1] We’ve rolled back to a previous patch due to issues with NEW players accessing and uploading to the Leaderboard system in this update. This update will still be available to all players via the “december-patch” branch. To access this branch: Right-click on “Marble It Up! In your Steam Library, select “Properties”, then “Betas”, then select “december-patch”. This will download MIU! with the December patch installed. We recommend new users play a few levels on the main branch before swapping to the this update. If you have any questions, please chat with us in the official Discord linked above!