Steam Achievements and More! - Update 1.0.36

Marble It Up! Ultra

Roll, bounce, boost, and blast your way to victory in Marble It Up! Ultra - the ultimate marble platformer. Chase the records of your friends and the world's best players through a vast campaign - or face them head-on in thrilling multiplayer mayhem. Get ready to roll!

[img][/img] More bugs squashed and improvements made as we work toward our next content release. As always thanks to our [url=]Discord[/url] community for help reporting issues and providing suggestions with our beta branch updates. [h1]Steam Achievements[/h1] [img][/img] The first set of Steam Achievements are now here! This first set is linked to all of the medal achievements (chapter and completion) but we will be expanding it in the future with new content updates and multiplayer achievements. [h1]PC UI Improvements[/h1] [img][/img] This update includes a number of improvements to the Keyboard+Mouse UI. Navigation tooltips will still show up when using a controller, but mouse UI buttons are now present on all UI screens so navigation by mouse is more intuitive. Additionally, non-16:9 aspect ratio screens are now better supported with dynamic scaling UI images. [h1]Improvements and Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed issue with new player server interaction [*] Fixed 502 Error with friend leaderboards [*] Added safety catch for 0x0 resolution [*] Fixed Discord integration breaking Level Tester exit [*] Improved Level Tester error catching [*] Rewind bug fixes [*] Added Steam Rich Presence initial integration [*] Improved cosmetic UI cubemaps [*] Fixed loud volume at launch [*] Friend Leaderboard now shows Steam avatars [/list] [i]"Life is made up of marble and mud." - Nathaniel Hawthorne[/i]