Update 0.18.319

Danger is near

Dive into a captivating atmosphere with 'Danger is Near,' a session-based hardcore multiplayer first-person shooter that combines various genres including survival, weapon and combat simulation, RPG, and MMO.

We present to you update 0.18.319 for the game (still in the prototyping stage). This update includes hit effects when shooting, improved gameplay, and fixes for several bugs. [h2]Full list of changes[/h2] [h3]Added:[/h3] [list] [*] Dropping the active weapon from hands upon character death [*] Sounds from shell casings [*] Bullet hit effects on static objects [/list] [h3]Fixed:[/h3] [list] [*] Bug with remaining weapon when a player exits a raid [*] Status in the widget after exiting a raid [*] Logic for ricochet [*] Ejection of shell casings after firing [*] Shooting from holstered weapons [/list] [h3]Restored:[/h3] [list] [*] Switching fire modes [/list] [h3]Technical changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Refactoring and removal of old project code base [/list] Thank you for your support and valuable feedback! We strive to make the game better!