Update 0.18.301

Danger is near

Dive into a captivating atmosphere with 'Danger is Near,' a session-based hardcore multiplayer first-person shooter that combines various genres including survival, weapon and combat simulation, RPG, and MMO.

We present to you update 0.18.301 for the game (still in the prototyping stage). In this update, a new arena map has been added, gameplay has been improved, and some bugs have been fixed. [h2]Full Changelog:[/h2] [h3]Added:[/h3] [list] [*] New arena map, replacing the old one (prototype; for testing); [*] Exit systems from the game; [*] Cooldown for melee weapons; [*] Punch attacks; [*] Radiation and exposure; [/list] [h3]Fixed:[/h3] [list] [*] Inventory system bugs; [*] Character animation in the menu; [*] Inventory widget functionality; [*] Bug with saving user game settings; [*] Melee weapon animations; [*] Leg animations in idle stance; [*] Weapon switching bug (partially); [*] Weapon turn animations; [/list] [h3]Restored:[/h3] [list] [*]Aiming system; [/list] [h3]Technical changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Migration to version 5.4.2; [*] Inventory system upgrade; [/list] Thank you for your support and valuable feedback! We strive to make the game better!