Update 0.1.5 and Roadmap!

Retro Gadgets

Retro Gadgets is a sandbox where you build, code, and customize gadgets inspired by old-school electronics.

Hello fellow Gadgeteers! You have been with us for a long, long time, especially during our release in Early Access in November. Now it's time to talk about the future and what we have in store for you, so here's a little roadmap to illustrate what you can look forward to, and what to expect throughout the year. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43015733/2ff47c74e674c042b1f0307fca73f733ada51ae2.png[/img] Bear in mind that there are no visible timeframes: that's because we don't want to set anything in stone for now, especially since our development team closely follows community feedback and suggestions, and for that reason some features may get priority over others, or get scrapped completely. If you read correctly (which we know you did), you realized new content is dropping TODAY and it's part of a big series of updates that aim to improve the core of the game. We want to give you new parts, new components, and tools at your disposal to unleash your creativity and coding capabilities, sandbox-style. But, we are also aiming to improve the gameplay aspects of Retro Gadgets, and ease new players into the intricacies of gadget-making with a brand-new story mode/tutorial mode. [h1]Update 0.1.5 Coming NOW™️[/h1] This is what you get with today's update: [h2]NEW CODE EDITOR[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43015733/06d2af7c35e1d5535b72d13550e79742f77d007d.png[/img] [list] [*] A new Code Editor, rebuilt from scratch [*] Much faster and simpler to use [*] A new, more advanced debugger [/list] We heard your feedback, and this is going to be a big game-changer for all of you. Coding will be faster and less cumbersome, in every possible way (even on lower-spec machines). We implemented a slew of new features which include: [list] [*] The editor now supports nearly infinite lines without slowing down, it will be more reliable and future-proof. [*] The debugger can now display the value of local variables and allows you to step through the stack-trace. This is also possible for runtime exceptions. [*] For the nostalgic, an optional VIM editing mode has been added. [/list] [h2]MULTITOOL UPGRADES[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43015733/637e042f36c8d7903b3fcdbbe6db0e7009a56a17.png[/img] [list] [*] It is now possible to export PNG and Lua assets. [*] When importing assets, it is now possible to directly replace any pre-existing ones with the same name, provided that confirmation is given. [*] Error, Warning and Info messages now will appear in a brand new bar. [/list] [h2]SPRITE EDITOR[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43015733/f35a30e2c565707b8f60c1ccaf512ed37064cd00.png[/img] We added several functions to the sprite editor. Our main goal for this update was to improve and simplify the creation of custom fonts and sprites. [list] [*] The sprite grid now supports non-power-of-two values This allows non-square, 100% custom for font sizes. [*] The editor can now display the pixel coordinates, cell coordinates and font index under your mouse cursor. [*] Using the selection tool you can now flip pixel areas horizontally or vertically. [*] When an area is selected, the selection button is now highlighted in the interface. [/list] [h2]MOTHERBOARD VISIBLE IN LUA[/h2] Motherboards have been exposed in Lua code: [list] [*] Introduced the new Motherboard type, it is a table containing the modules of a specific motherboard. Like gdt, the key is the module name and the value is the Module itself. [*] gdt.Motherboards contain the array of all Motherboards. [*] All Modules contain a Type property of type string which contains the name of the type ("CPU", "LedButton", ...) [*] All Modules contain a Motherboard property of type Motherboard which represents the motherboard they are on. [/list] [h2]ENHANCED MAGNETIC CONNECTOR:[/h2] [list] [*] MagneticConnector contains a new property AttachedConnector of type MagneticConnector which contains the connector it is connected to. [*] MagneticConnector raises a new MagneticConnectorEvent when the connection state changes. [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Images that contained transparency but were not imported correctly have now been fixed. [*] Several annoying bugs were fixed in the sprite editor. [*] When the Steam connection is lost an Error message is displayed, while an Info message appears when the connection is back. [/list]