The Launcher Update

Retro Gadgets

Retro Gadgets is a sandbox where you build, code, and customize gadgets inspired by old-school electronics.

[previewyoutube=AhW77bMMqns;full][/previewyoutube] Ready to bring back the [b]desktop widgets[/b]? Here comes [b]Retro Gadgets 0.1.6[/b]! Build the most awesome gadget, add it to the launcher and BAM! It's 200X all over again! This new release is our first step in making gadgets exist outside the game itself. If you have at least one Gadget selected for the [b]Launcher[/b], you can open it directly from you system tray without having to launch the game first. Your amazing creations will always be just a couple of clicks away! But there is more! We also added a serial port component, the ability to read files from your system, touch screens, access to render buffers and game localization. This is a comprehensive list of everything that is new in [b]RG version 0.1.6[/b] [list] [*] New Launcher that allows you to add Gadgets to your Windows desktop without opening the game. It is also possible to flag them to start at Windows startup [*] New Serial module to communicate through the PC serial port [*] The VideoChip now contains an array of RenderBuffers that can be set as a render target [*] Lua access to RenderBuffers and SpriteSheets content [*] AudioChip event sent when playback is finished to allow better management of audio channels [*] AudioSample now contains the metadata of the imported file [*] The RealityChip can now access files in the My Games/Retro/UserData folder allowing you to load AudioSamples and SpriteSheets at runtime [*] New RealityChip methods for reading date and time [*] Screens are now touch, interactions can be read from the connected VideoChip [*] The game interface is now translated in several languages (check the setting) and better supports different alphabets. [*] We added new gadgets for you to discover in the tutorials section of the game. These new gadgets are great widgets that you can use out of the box . [*] Several bug fixes and UI improvements [/list] Check the [url=]Official Documentation[/url] for more info or join our [url=]Discord[/url] to talk about these new features with the community and the Dev-team!