Upcoming Shadowkin Playtest


Face waves of enemies as you travel from room to room in your auto-shooting horde survival conquest. You and your companion (AI or 2 Player) must work together and create builds that compliment each other while exploring branching paths through various zones and worlds in a Roguelite setting.

Hello! Hope you're all doing well. Shadowkin will be holding a Playtest starting tomorrow around this time. I plan to make another announcement when that comes with more details and what to expect. In case you're unaware, I mostly use Discord for discussion. We have a server, you can join it here if interested: [url=https://discord.com/invite/779FCkeeWT]https://discord.com/invite/779FCkeeWT[/url] You can sign up for the Playtest right now. You don't need to do anything special, just click on the button regarding joining the Playtest on the Shadowkin Steam page. When the Playtest becomes available sometime tomorrow, you'll be accepted into it and anyone will be able to openly join it afterwards. Just remember that a Playtest is pretty much the alpha state of the game. To say things will change and be improved upon is an understatement, but I'll cover more on that tomorrow. Hope to see you there! Stay awesome.