Upcoming Content Update(s) & SRPT Fest

Paper Planet

Paper Planet is a planet-defender, arcade roguelike with a doodley, Flash-inspired artstyle. Battle through waves of unique enemies and bosses. Combine items with strange and wacky effects for insanely overpowered runs. Play with 1-4 players, for some chaotic co-op fun!

[h2]30% OFF[/h2] [b]Paper Planet[/b] is on sale NOW! Get just 1 copy of the game for [u]30% off,[/u] and play co-op with 1-3 additional players using [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/remoteplay?snr=1_7_7_230]Steam Remote Play Together[/url][/b]! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39403670/8d1a5c7ded14441a7bb0745f26b6c134f7b69db0.jpg[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1504250/Paper_Planet/ [h2]WHAT NEXT?[/h2] Paper Planet launched in August 2023. Unity, the engine Paper Planet was made in, melted down in real time in September 2023. Needless to say, confidence in our post-launch support plans was severely shaken. But Doodlegames has been coming back at Paper Planet anew in 2024, and are cooking up a nice juicy update! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39403670/9e5c1fb97d3cc6b8b579c90aa179beacb7d3d9d2.gif[/img] [i](An early look at a battle with a new boss)[/i] [h3]ROADMAP-ish[/h3] [list] [*] The first update will be pushing for greater replayability, primarily through additional boss battles! How exactly those fold into the game is very fun, but I don't want to share [i]too[/i] much at this time ;) [*] New items, achievements and (hopefully) planets are in the works. [*] We'd still really like to re-add the dialogue system for bosses! But it's a cost we need to carefully consider now that the game supports different localizations. AND the scale of that implementation is about to balloon significantly... [*] From there we have a few larger plans for the game that we're just beginning to explore.[/list] We've been thrilled with the reception of Paper Planet, and it feels great to be in a position to support the game further, and to give back in this way! Come hang out in [url=https://discord.com/invite/rQs93D7]the Discord[/url] for the latest word on upcoming updates. [h2]FLASH GAMES FAN?[/h2] It is my pleasure to share the triumphant return of the classic Flash series, [b]William and Sly[/b], has set a date for [b]February 26th[/b]! Please be sure to give that a [u]Wishlist[/u]. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2459620/William_and_Sly/ A shared loved of Flash games is a big part of why I think Paper Planet was such a strong fit for 2 Left Thumbs as a publisher. And I hope for support of Flash classics to be a long standing pillar of this publishing label! If you're new to William and Sly, you can play the original titles for [b]Free[/b] now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2684790/William_and_Sly_Classic_Collection/ PS. [i]Happy Valentines Day[/i] <3