Paper Planet's First Major Update - Big Bad Bosses!

Paper Planet

Paper Planet is a planet-defender, arcade roguelike with a doodley, Flash-inspired artstyle. Battle through waves of unique enemies and bosses. Combine items with strange and wacky effects for insanely overpowered runs. Play with 1-4 players, for some chaotic co-op fun!

[u][h2]BIG BAD BOSSES[/h2][/u] [b]PAPER PLANET'S FIRST MAJOR UPDATE IS READY[/b]!!! We're excited to share what we've been cookin' up for almost 5 months now! It's been a second since Paper Planet has gotten any kind of new content so we really appreciate your patience. ([i]Complete localization of the new content, and improved controller support for the new menus (achievement pages, cores menu, etc) will be added as soon as possible![/i]) [h3]New content:[/h3] [list] [*] [b]NINE new bosses[/b]! Bringing the total up to 15 from the previous 6 [*] [b]11 new items[/b], including vodka and a nuke! [*] [b]22 new achievements[/b]! As well as a rebalance to some old achievements. [*] AND [b]22 new cosmetics[/b] to be earned by unlocking each! [*] [b]4 new unlockable Cores[/b] that let you start a run with abilities like rerolling items, banning items from appearing, and a special starter item![/list] [previewyoutube=5RHXjilZCDY;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*]Massively rebalanced the starting item pool, removing many mediocre items from it [*]Nerfed Whole Milk to have 1 pierce instead of 3 [*]Buffed Spear Bullets to give +1 pierce [*]Buffed Stumpy's Ukulele to give +20% firerate [*]Buffed Mediocrity Amulet to give +3 damage per generic item instead of +1 [*]Buffed Dreamcatcher to give +5% firerate per wave of curse survived instead of +1% [*]Buffed Muramasa so that charged bullets created by its effect can create more charged bullets, reduced its damage multiplier from x3 to x2 [/list] Thanks for sticking with us, and we really hope you enjoy this new update! If you encounter any issues or have any feedback feel free to drop it in the game's [url=]Community Hub[/url] tab on Steam and we will work on fixing it ASAP. Till next time! Willops [u][h2]RACK AND SLAY[/h2][/u] Your friendly neighbourhood Publisher here, Graeme! The next game from [url=]2 Left Thumbs[/url] is the roguelike billiards-based dungeon crawler: [b]Rack and Slay[/b]! The game will launch in just [b]2 weeks[/b] - and an extensive demo is available NOW. Rack and Slay will launch for just [u]$6[/u] ([i]before[/i] the planned launch discount!) So be sure to add it to your [b]Wishlist[/b] so you don't miss out on a new banger roguelike!