Unwording devlog #2 - back to work, and working on improvements


Unwording is a short but powerful exploration of overcoming negative self-talk. Solve word puzzles, explore the neighborhood through multiple perspectives, and help Tom have a better day through a challenging yet cathartic experience.

Hi everyone! Thank you for playing the Unwording demo and for all the helpful feedback. A few days after releasing the demo, I had to leave for a conference and an extended trip to the UK - talks with publishers, networking, and a little bit of vacation afterward! Refreshed, motivated, and filled with new ideas, I'm back home and ready to get back to development. The first thing I shall be getting to is working on all the feedback I've received so far. The two major points are - Slow performance during puzzles, esp when rotating cubes, and Confusion/ lack of clarity regarding the game's objectives. Look out for an update in the coming few days, and give the demo a shot if you haven't yet! -Armaan