Unveiling the Battlefield

Age of History 3

Grand strategy wargame where the destiny of Civilizations rests in your hands - will they stand united under your leadership or fall divided in conflict? Journey through the entire saga of human civilization, from its earliest days to the futuristic era, crafting your legacy age by age.

Greetings, commanders! Today, we delve into the fiery heart of war – the battlefield! Here, meticulously crafted strategies clash in a dynamic struggle for dominance. Let's explore the intricate dance of military might that unfolds in our game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/eda268ca92d49630db4bece397f0be4bdc4c9060.png[/img] [h3]The Art of Deployment[/h3] Every battle begins with the deployment phase. Two opposing armies, one attacking and the other defending, face off on a meticulously detailed battlefield. Each army is strategically organized into two lines: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/065f5983a4897d905cd7ee7b73466f6de517b216.png[/img] [h3]Front Line[/h3] This vanguard bears the brunt of the enemy assault. Units here need to be resilient, well-disciplined, and capable of delivering devastating blows. [h3]Second Line[/h3] This support line provides crucial backup. They may offer ranged attacks, bolster the morale of frontline troops, or fulfill specialized functions. The maximum number of regiments you can deploy depends on the [b]battle width[/b]. This, in turn, is determined by the greater battle width of the civilizations involved. A larger battle width allows for grander clashes with more troops, while a smaller width necessitates a more focused deployment. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/8759b55e75d4ba8c26b03d9f9e3e976fca308440.png[/img] [h3]Generals play a pivotal role in battle.[/h3] Their leadership inspires troops. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/d8433bbd81b63cb34b75558547777114b8950c53.png[/img] [b]Attack Value[/b]: A high attack value increases enemy casualties, significantly impacting their fighting ability. This value is determined in part by a dice roll mechanic, adding an element of uncertainty to even the most meticulously planned battles. [b]Defense Value[/b]: A strong defense value bolsters your troops' resilience, minimizing your own losses. This, combined with the attack value, underlines the crucial strategic importance of a skilled general. [h3]The Thrill of Combat[/h3] The battle phase unfolds over a predetermined number of days, each one a whirlwind of activity [b]Frontline Clashes[/b]: Units in the front line engage in brutal combat, inflicting casualties on their enemy counterparts. [b]Second Line Support[/b]: Units in the second line can also participate, unleashing attacks on the enemy's front line if within range. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/7f5b8b3bf3b3db3522dbbd6dc213b15a1e5b15f1.png[/img] These clashes result in casualties, forcing units to retreat or fight with diminished effectiveness. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/7650dfeae923f49ab9a71319ec12facb457099ed.png[/img] [h3]The Shifting Sands of Morale[/h3] Morale plays a critical role in battlefield dynamics. As casualties mount and units suffer losses, their morale can plummet. [h3]Low morale can lead to[/h3] [b]Retreat[/b]: Units may choose to retreat from the battlefield, removing their strength from the fight and potentially disrupting the entire formation. [b]Reduced Effectiveness[/b]: Units with low morale fight less effectively, impacting your overall fighting potential. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/f9a08ee82dd045082297418e5e4f7a50305f283b.png[/img] [h3]The Terrain Advantage[/h3] The type of terrain you fight on can significantly impact the battlefield. Rugged mountains can offer defensive bonuses to your front line, while open plains leave them exposed but allow for flanking maneuvers. Understanding the terrain and using it to your advantage is key to achieving tactical superiority. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/e45576ebf23fe45b98e497a18770f58ede0a8582.png[/img] [h3]Battles conclude with one of two outcomes[/h3] Destruction: An army is considered destroyed if it cannot sustain itself for the entire battle duration. This can occur due to overwhelming casualties, plummeting morale, or a strategic retreat. Survival: If an army survives the battle phase with sufficient troops and morale, it emerges victorious. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/2130f4f71cd573e78f10a60b43621cc1b1184694.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/a023e2805da45fbff2b59e5a3bd2b1e619a3802e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/e00031f30e97bd88c94f891727e07af4ed2875c2.png[/img]