Introducing Battle Tactics

Age of History 3

Grand strategy wargame where the destiny of Civilizations rests in your hands - will they stand united under your leadership or fall divided in conflict? Journey through the entire saga of human civilization, from its earliest days to the futuristic era, crafting your legacy age by age.

Greetings, commanders! Today, I'm thrilled to unveil a feature inspired by the brilliant minds of our community – Battle Tactics! This exciting addition injects a layer of strategic depth into your military campaigns, allowing you to outmaneuver your foes and claim glorious victories. [h3]Harnessing the Power of Maneuver[/h3] Battle Tactics are specialized maneuvers employed by your armies on the battlefield. Each tactic offers unique advantages and drawbacks, empowering you to tailor your approach based on the situation. From weathering enemy assaults to flanking their formations, Battle Tactics give you the tools to exploit enemy weaknesses and seize the upper hand. [h3]Let's delve into the four core Battle Tactics available[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/a7ac3045fd846aa125203b6578af92034df85f29.png[/img] [h3]Careful Advance[/h3] Units Attack: +0 Units Defense: +0 This tactic prioritizes minimizing casualties while maintaining pressure. Units advance cautiously, maintaining their standard attack power while receiving a defensive bonus. It's ideal for closing the distance on a weakened enemy or weathering a heavy enemy assault. [h3]Defensive Hold[/h3] Units Attack: -2 Units Defense: +3 This tactic transforms your army into an unyielding wall. Units take a penalty to their attack power but gain a significant defensive boost. This tactic is perfect for fortifying a position, protecting key objectives, or blunting the momentum of a charging enemy force. [h3]Straight Charge[/h3] Units Attack: +3 Units Defense: -2 This tactic emphasizes offensive power. Units unleash a devastating charge, sacrificing some defense for a significant increase in attack power. [h3]Flanking Maneuver[/h3] Units Attack: +2 Units Defense: -1 This tactic seeks to outmaneuver the enemy. Units prioritize flanking the enemy formation, gaining a bonus to attack power while taking a moderate defensive penalty. [h3]A Fan-Fueled Feature[/h3] This system wouldn't exist without the ingenuity of our dedicated community. A keen-eyed forum member proposed the concept of Battle Tactics, igniting a passionate discussion about potential tactics and their impact on warfare. [h3]The Art of Command[/h3] The most effective tactic depends on several factors, including the terrain, the composition of your and your enemy's armies, and the overall battlefield situation. A true leader assesses the battlefield and chooses the tactic that best exploits enemy vulnerabilities and leverages your own forces' strengths. Mastering Battle Tactics takes practice and a keen understanding of the battlefield dynamics. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831059/655cd3d19caed46d347930927f8cd13230bf8ab6.png[/img]