Unlikely inspiration

Without Within 3 (初衷)

Vinty returns on her third adventure, this time in Singapore and Malaysia!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32534187/e9e34e50af7b26f8ccb0851763a85364b8b5c855.jpg[/img] My mum loves Chinese Opera. If you have no idea what that is, I would not blame you. After all, their events do not always fill out stadiums. Not anymore, at least. During a Singapore trip with the fam, I had begun to plan out WOWI 3. Meanwhile, there was a Chinese Opera show going on, and we made sure Mum would get to attend. That afternoon, I met up with a couple of online friends to hang out. Afterward, I joined my mum for some Chinese Opera. I arrived, and there the actors were, exactly as they typically appeared on those VHS tapes Mum used to watch. These actors must have rehearsed vigorously to prep for this show. Let’s hope lots of people rock up! Oh, just Mum, my brother, me, plus 3 to 4 others in attendance. Well, the show must go on, and we made sure to stay for the whole thing. That night, I jotted a reminder for myself. During those Kiki VS Excelia calligraphy battles, make sure to mention the majority of people do not care in the slightest. Vinty, at least for now, has opted to continue her niche calligraphy pursuits. For that, she has my respect. Whenever I want to let go of that gas pedal, I would remember those Chinese Opera actors from Singapore. They have no idea, but they have become an unlikely source of motivation. Because above all else, they love what they came on this earth to do.