A space station nestled in the clouds of Jupiter. A bizarre bazaar where a young, worried woman crafts entire universes in the palm of her hand. A mysterious cultist who's stripped the flesh from his bones in order to reach enlightenment. Here, there's a universe for sale. You buying?
Hey cultist,
[b][i]Universe for Sale[/i] now has a release date! On November 16th we will be able to create universes and sell them on the market on Jupiter![/b]
Visiting Jupiter in a space station nestled in the clouds, you’ll learn the mysteries of the colony and the people that live under the failing shield protecting the colony from acid rain. A cultist meets a young woman with the ability to craft universes from liquids and depending on what is in that liquid changes the contents of the universe.
[i]Universe for Sale[/i] won Best Art at BIG 2023 + Best Narrative at Overcome Film Game Awards!
It’s time to plan what type of universes you will design.
- Riv Otter