A space station nestled in the clouds of Jupiter. A bizarre bazaar where a young, worried woman crafts entire universes in the palm of her hand. A mysterious cultist who's stripped the flesh from his bones in order to reach enlightenment. Here, there's a universe for sale. You buying?
Hey, cultists!
We are still hard at work on [i]Universe for Sale[/i]! Over the weekend we had so many players visit the booth, and play [i]Universe for Sale[/i] at Gamescom! We’re absolutely delighted with the reception- Big thank you to everyone who came by, and visited our booth!
We were over the moon to see everyone trying out [i]Universe for Sale[/i] and experiencing the story on Jupiter! Being able to showcase this game in front of fans at an event as large as Gamescom was a pleasure. We appreciate all the feedback we have received at Gamescom! We are already using the feedback given to discuss how we can improve Universe for Sale before launch.
If you missed the IGN exclusive U[i]niverse for Sale[/i] trailer, you can view it [url=https://www.ign.com/videos/universe-for-sale-official-environment-trailer-gamescom-2023]here[/url]!
-riv otter