Uncover the Mystery in Your Favorite Language. New Languages Added to the Demo!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44837762/bdf62731dc024734655ace82455ce817ff904311.gif[/img] [h3]Welcome aboard, detectives.[/h3] [b]We have update the demo with more language options, play now and uncover the mystery on the train! [/b] We are working hard behind the scenes to bring you the best Wilderness Universe experience. As we get closer to the end of the year, we bring you a major language update that also will be available later in the full game. For now, you can play the demo with 10 different languages available. [h3]Here are the list of new languages added to the demo:[/h3] [list] [*] Hungarian (Magyar) [*] Simplified Chinese (简体中文) [*] Portuguese (Portuguese Brasileiro) [*] Spanish (Español) [*] Korean (한국어) [*] Russian (русский язык) [*] French (Français) [*] Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) [*] German (Deutsch) [*] Japanese (日本語) [/list] If there are any bugs or typos in the demo, please send us a feedback on our community Discord. We are eager to hear more inputs from everyone who trying out the demo. Please do enjoy playing as Moses and Plato at the beginning of the story, where you will be introduced with major characters with their distinct banters. [h3][b]Play the demo now![/b][/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2230450/Moses__Plato__Last_Train_to_Clawville/ [i][b]Be mindful of the passengers, and always stay on your paws. The Wilderness Society. [/b][/i] Keep updated with us! [list] [*] [url=twitter.com/mosesandplato ]Twitter / X[/url] [*] [url=https://twitter.com/TWGdevstudio]The Wild Gentlemen Socials[/url] [*] Join our [url=discord.gg/toge]Discord[/url] [/list]