Moses and Plato Demo Release at LudoNarraCon 2024 with Developer's Broadcast!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44837762/819b66320d5d1ed2250ac88b208c0cab53ecf422.png[/img] [h3]Welcome aboard, detectives.[/h3] [h3]Featuring Moses & Plato demo release at LudoNarraCon 2024[/h3] We are proud to present that during LudoNarraCon 2024, we are taking part in the event to release the demo of Moses & Plato - Last Train to Clawville. The demo will consist of how the detectives, Moses and Plato, and the introduction to several characters aboard the Clawville Express. Be sure to check out [i]the demo that will be live on Steam on May 9, 10 am PT.[/i] LudoNarraCon is an annual event held by our friends at Fellow Traveller. This year, the sixth time it's been going, the event will be live from May 9 until May 16. LudoNarraCon features an official selection, exclusive demos, and panels from over 50+ narrative games and sales on story-rich games. Check out their [url=]official website[/url] to learn more about the event. [h3]Developer and Community exclusive pre-recorded broadcast[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44837762/ee46561aee0ac330e62f1fa4e3d48b07b016780f.png[/img] [i]Gameplay demo by the community and some talks with the developer from The Wild Gentlemen. [/i] An exclusive pre-recorded broadcast will be live during the LudoNarraCon event. Join us and take a first look where we will play the demo with the developer behind Moses and Plato and titles such as Zipp's Cafe and the Chicken Police series. We will also discuss the World of Wilderness universe and its stories in more depth. Be the first to get notified to see the broadcast exclusively on Steam! [i]The broadcast will be live on May 10, 8 am PT. [/i] We will see you next week during LudoNarraCon 2024 for more updates. [h2]Follow and be notified when the demo is live.[/h2] [h3]Check out previous titles by The Wild Gentlemen.[/h3] Be mindful of the passengers, and always stay on your paws. The Wilderness Society. Keep updated with us! [list] [*] [ ]Twitter / X[/url] [*] [url=]The Wild Gentlemen Socials[/url] [*] Join our []Discord[/url] [/list]