Ultimate Fishing Simulator is now available for Xbox One!

Professional Fishing

Are you falling asleep with a rod? Never again! Professional Fishing will never let you fall asleep! Play an amazing fishing simulator and feel like a real angler! Create your own fishing club and compete with others!

Dear Anglers, I am happy to announce that Ultimate Fishing Simulator is now available for Xbox One and should be released on Switch and PlayStation 4 later this year. The basic version of the game for XO is a bit more expensive because it has 3 additional DLCs implemented:[list] [*] Moraine Lake, [*] Kariba Dam, [*] Greenland.[/list] The game will receive all feature updates that are present on the PC version of the game and other DLC's. [h1]You can buy UFS for Xbox One here:[/h1] https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/ultimate-fishing-simulator/9pjn0zvtpzv6 [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33265723/88b21d307e697a15a387357bb1e44dc665fdbfb9.jpg[/img]