Game Update | 12-03-2019

Professional Fishing

Are you falling asleep with a rod? Never again! Professional Fishing will never let you fall asleep! Play an amazing fishing simulator and feel like a real angler! Create your own fishing club and compete with others!

[h1]Changelog:[/h1] [i]Version:[/i] 1.1.1 [b]Added / New:[/b] [list] [*] Blinking reel marker when a line is going to break, [*] Added sound when a line is going to break, [*] Consumables now disappear only if the fish was caught and artificial tackles only if the line was broken, [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b][list] [*] Fixed floats names, [*] Added missing rods durability (item description), [*] Fixed spinning markers, [*] Fixed personal records screen, [*] Fixed bugs in fishing clubs. [/list] [i]----- Kind Regards, RafaƂ - Project Manager in Ultimate Games S.A.[/i]