YinYang Street is an indie horror game set in Yunnan, China. Our protagonist Minglai Li finds his beloved wife missing when he comes home. All mysteries lead to a place called YinYang Street...
YinYang Street Ultimate Edition is available now with bug fixes and new contents! Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Help Li Minglai find his missing wife and daughter!
Ultimate Edition Patch Notes:
1. The experience of the 3D ball mini game in final chapter is improved.
2. Memories of battlefield are added to final chapter.
3. Flashbacks are added to final chapter.
4. The problem that the television programme cannot be played on some devices is fixed. (Skip button is added as well. Skip the television programme if it still cannot be played.)
5. The problem that the tutorial about adding oil to Dementor might not pop up is fixed.
6. The mechanism of Dementor in some scenes is changed to avoid any possible bug.
7. The range where Dementor can interact with objects is enlarged.
8. The bug about judging cards in Changle Lane is fixed.
Ultimate Trailer:
Celebrating the release of Ultimate Edition, DLC Fan Pack, which served as launch month bonus previously, is back and free for everyone!