YinYang Street is an indie horror game set in Yunnan, China. Our protagonist Minglai Li finds his beloved wife missing when he comes home. All mysteries lead to a place called YinYang Street...
Dear "street friends", a trial version of the game has been released for everyone to play, interested Uus can download a trial. If you have valuable comments or suggestions, please leave a message in the community, or add to our official Q group 593403466 for feedback. Thank you very much for your attention and love. The official version will be launched in June 2023, and it will have a completely different game experience from the pilot version. Interested UUs can add the official group to get the latest news, or follow our Weibo for first-hand consultation[url=https://weibo.com/u/6049314191]彼云工作室微博[/url]~~Thank you again and I hope every player can have a good game experience.