UCN Releasing Today!

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be releasing Ultimate Custom Night today if all goes well (I have some little things to fix and update). All of the guys who helped with the gameplay montage (Dawko, Razzbowski, 8-Bit Ryan, FuzionZGamer, and CoryxKenshin) will be posting their videos any minute! >link will be here< (What am I talking about? There won't be a link here, it will be on Steam of course!) There is a big button here that says "Release App". It's green. I'm not sure what to do with it though, the directions are confusing. I'm emailing tech support now to find out what I'm supposed to do with the button. UPDATE: I'm getting confusing responses from people. Some people are recommending that I use the num-pad to activate the Release App button, but that doesn't seem to work. I've also tried copying and pasting my intentions over it. UPDATE 2: Valve has emailed back and said they are unfamiliar with the button I'm speaking of. UPDATE 3: I've noticed that when I move the mouse cursor over the button, it changes color. However, moving the cursor over the button doesn't seem to activate it either. I will Google how to activate buttons. BRB UPDATE 4: Everyone keeps telling me to click it. I don't have a touch screen geniuses!!! Otherwise, I would! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH, click it with the MOUSE!!!! Got it. Done.