Two Brothers is an Action Adventure game that features a classic Gameboy aesthetic. Roy Guarder, inventor, scientist, and philosopher, is on an expedition to discover the origins of life. This quest has brought him to "The Cursed Lands," a stretch of land so dangerous and shrouded in mystery that it hasn't been explored in over...
I must apologize once again for the delay of both Mac/Linux version of Two Brothers!
My mother recently was diagnosed with very aggressive cancer and it has sadly put everything on hold. I am working as much as I can through all the confusion and strife but it's delayed me again. I've brought in a friend to help me out so I hope to get everything out within the next few weeks.
About the Mac/Linux/Console builds we've been polishing the game and fixing things up according to reviews and user feedback to ensure the game is awesome. Of course we'll patch the PC version to match... we're making some significant improvements so it's taking a bit longer than we had hoped, especially with my mothers illness.
I'll keep everyone up to date more frequently now too. I've finally got my head on straight and I'm ready to keep working.
Thank you all for your patients !