Tree Ghosts no Longer Haunt the Graveyard!

Welcome to Boon Hill

A graveyard simulator, a story of epitaphs, a tale of ghosts that haunt, a game with no goal— all valid descriptions of Boon Hill.

Welcome those that live and walk, -Small patch but still. Apparently there was an issue with... tree ghosts. Strange instances where things would pop up on the map in the middle of nowhere you couldn't walk through. It has hopefully been fixed! May the ghosts of trees never haunt your graveyard exploration again! -Issue where a very small number of players say they get stuck in the first tree... still happens. Seriously, I don't know what causes it and why only on a TINY number of games. Less than 1% of users it seems. Enjoy not bumping into invisible trees this summer? -Always The Boon Hill Team