Boon Hill Patch 1.1.2 Live! FOR JUSTICE!

Welcome to Boon Hill

A graveyard simulator, a story of epitaphs, a tale of ghosts that haunt, a game with no goal— all valid descriptions of Boon Hill.

A small patch has gone live fixing a few issues. Mostly with the front office area of Boon Hill. Specific fixes include... [list] [*]It is harder to get stuck in the wall of the office. Still possible if you really wish to attempt it. [*]The cabinet in the front office now has the history of Boon Hill. [*]The person working in the front office has had their dialogue fixed. [*]Some other boundaries have been fixed. [*]Crow sprites have been made more clear and a rare graphical glitch has been improved. [*]Gravestones never sleep. [*]A few spelling and grammar errors on graves have been fixed. [*]Fixed a small crash bug that I think only annoyed me. [*]Fixed an issue with the menu screen when controlling the sound volume. [/list] That is all. If there are any issues or other bugs people notice feel free to leave a comment. Also, I hope all of you lead interesting lives.