Transport Fever 2 Screenshot Contest Winners

The Transport Fever 2 Screenshot Contest winners are in! Congratulations to: 1. MRP [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34948180/457c40b02c132680cc2193a71f3283c2c599b0ea.png[/img] 2. Vilnazz S. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34948180/492b357f35a1e01e14b3f2dcbcf59074acf0cc12.png[/img] 3. Aphnorih [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34948180/3c29ffbc1dd3d7a54ad636af9ea8cc1bf2618651.png[/img] Our artist team was not only impressed by your artistic side, but also found that you captured the soul of what it means to play Transport Fever 2!