Training Management Tutorial - Episode 1

Tennis Manager 2022

Become a tennis manager. Manage your tennis academy and train the next tennis super stars. Even more realistic, with new players and updated potentials. Take the reins in 2022.

[previewyoutube=ZgjfTvy85IE;full][/previewyoutube] Every academy manager pays special attention to the optimization of his staff's skills. However, as in real life, their progression will depend on a set of intrinsic factors of the player (personality, physical attributes) but also on the balance of his training schedule. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/01a9c36f41027d8191db21c305e82512d632770c.png[/img] [u][b]1.Analyze the player's profile[/b][/u] In order to program the training of a player in the best possible way, and thus to get the best out of him/her, it is first fundamental to get to know him/her. It is therefore recommended to study his/her profile sheet, which contains a lot of important information. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/15503130c36ff29e282b06ffd87e74a23cb7ca1e.png[/img] [list] [*] [u]Level[/u]: evaluation of the current level [*] [u]Potential[/u]: evaluation of the achievable level [*] [u]Progression[/u]: evaluation of the precocity of development [/list] Note that, as in real life, not all players have the same type of progression. We have therefore integrated 3 different profiles involving periods of progression of the player varying according to his age: [list] [*] [u]Early bloomer[/u]: maximum potential reached at 21 years old [*] [u]Standard[/u]: maximum potential reached at 24 years old [*] [u]Late bloomer[/u]: maximum potential reached at 28 years old [/list] Your player's attributes are an important indicator since they represent all of his strengths and weaknesses. It is now up to you to decide what your development priorities will be through training or through experience. Most of the attributes can be boosted by setting up a training schedule. However, some of them (confidence, composure, killer instinct and fighting spirit) are qualities that can be improved by the experience that your player will develop through the games and seasons. The attribute "natural fitness" is a fundamental element of the athlete's profile since it directly impacts the way he will be able to absorb and integrate the training sessions. Indeed, the more a player will be able to repeat the physical efforts, the more he will be able to repeat the matches and the trainings to see his progression increase. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/c3de81f252751cb1cb2421c6a64a63821666cad2.png[/img] The player's DNA, i.e. his/her main personality traits, will have an impact on his/her life as a high-level athlete and therefore on his/her ability to manage certain issues. Negotiating contracts, managing emotions during a match, listening to the staff or even respecting a healthy lifestyle, there are as many situations as there are ways to manage them. Thus, get to know your player and you will know how to optimize his/her natural attributes. Finally, it should be mentioned that the size of the player also evolves naturally over the years: [list] [*] Up to 17 years old for girls [*] Up to 18 years old for boys [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/9e4aaaa2138d0635ee3b28e4f083bf0c1cc81c54.png[/img] All the actions taken or events around the player will have direct consequences on 3 key criteria that will be a crucial benchmark for the manager: [list] [*] [u]Morale[/u]: psychological state [*] [u]Form[/u]: level of rhythm [*] [u]Physical condition[/u]: physical state [/list] [u][b]2. How to influence these 3 factors?[/b][/u] [b]Morale [/b] The level of morale can vary according to 5 levels: mediocre / weak / medium / good / excellent. As in real life, various elements can affect the morale of your player: • Intensity of training The way you will elaborate the training schedule of your athlete will be fundamental since the more the player will train and the less he will have free time which will lower his morale level. (Little tip: 3 consecutive rest slots will boost your player's morale). [list] [*] Evolution of the ranking [*] Series of victories [*] Private life stability (example: new relationship) [/list] Also, the player's DNA, his level of self-confidence, as well as his relationship with his coach, will affect this psychological dimension. [b]Shape [/b] The level of form represents the rhythm and the sensations of your player: it directly impacts certain physical attributes, but it also impacts the progression in training as well as the apprehension of the upcoming match. 5 levels of form exist: red / orange / yellow / dark green / light green To improve the form (up to the medium level) of your team: [list] [*] Prioritize physical training [*] And to a minor extent, technical training [/list] To bring the player to the top of his form, it will be necessary for you to make a series of matches and performances. But there is also a part of randomness (who doesn't know a day with or a day without?), difficult to predict and anticipate... A slight evolution of the level of form which changes each week, up or down. [b]Physical condition [/b] The last key factor is obviously the player's physical condition which should be checked before each match/training session in order to maximize his performance and avoid injuries. The physical condition also affects the quality of training but to a smaller extent than shape. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/938e2ffa1ae305fbf02a3df5a94c859d9f4ae971.png[/img] Your player has a poor physical condition and you can't improve it? Then give him/her some free time! As in real life, it will be necessary to give him/her some rest time through rest slots to be integrated in his/her schedule. Also note that, each night, the level of physical condition will improve slightly. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/845f3010e3d811b38b5478ba08200588f3680a69.png[/img] The other solution is to integrate treatment sessions into his/her training schedule. These will improve the physical condition level according to their number of stars. Note however that these sessions will have an impact on the player's morale (because less free time / time to rest). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/8078453ce8e34dee98bd12aa77cd881ecabc80fd.png[/img] The main source of fatigue affecting the physical condition level of your player comes from the training sessions you will plan for them. Their impact will be different depending on their level of intensity: low/moderate/high. Finally, there are 4 levels of weekly training (workload): [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/6905d0c4f5053f82017b1cc996208f67416bd16a.png[/img] [list] [*] [u]Low[/u]: 7 sessions or less [*] [u]Moderate[/u]: 7/8 or 9 sessions per week [*] [u]Strong[/u]: 10 or 11 training sessions [*] [u]Very strong[/u]: 12, 13 or 14 training sessions [/list] Depending on the physical condition of your player, his/her capacity to train will be more or less important. Finally, the choice of the type of game plan, as well as its DNA, will have a direct impact on his or her attributes and progression. Indeed, the player will tend to improve more easily the attributes corresponding to the game plan chosen in match as well as to his natural qualities. You will have understood it, all is thus a question of balance of workload and personalization of the training program according to the profile of your champion. You are the manager, so you are the one who will have to make the right decisions to optimize his/her skills and thus help him/her to win titles!