New Features Reveal

Tennis Manager 2022

Become a tennis manager. Manage your tennis academy and train the next tennis super stars. Even more realistic, with new players and updated potentials. Take the reins in 2022.

It is with great pleasure that we can start telling you all about the new features that are official for Tennis Manager 2022. This accompanies a really wide range of different things, and there is so much to get into! Without further ado, let’s talk features! [previewyoutube=T0bU-lGOaao;full][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]What’s New?[/b][/h3] The answer to that question is a lot of things! With the most recent announcement and trailer regarding Tennis Manager 2022, this means that are previous information embargo has been lifted, and we can now tell you about anything and everything regarding the new game. [h3][b]Tennis Manager with a New Look and UX[/b][/h3] To start with the most basic things: there are going to be many more shortcuts than before. These will help you navigate the vast number of menus regarding training, players, and scheduling. With so many menus, it was easy to get cluttered and lost, and so we have updated the layout slightly to be more visually intuitive for you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/7b19ce7aa9ec140f0c4ef9861551517e1ddb144c.png[/img] What is most visually striking will be the new visuals for player attributes and stats. Alongside the basic figures, we have added handy graphics that allow you to better understand visually what the strengths and weaknesses are for your individual player. [h3][b]Create your player [/b][/h3] I think this feature was the most requested by our community... and here it is! Now it's your turn to shape your own player and accompany him to the top! This new feature will have a dedicated article very soon don't worry 😉. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/0666f5c8eb63450ae64382725e94656aa7fd5d69.png[/img] [h3][b]Team Management Tools: Workforce Monitoring![/b][/h3] Running a successful academy often means having the right information at the right time, and many of our users were finding themselves a bit drowned in data. So we decided to integrate a new interface to facilitate the management of information related to the operation of his team: schedule of the week, games history, profit by tournament, state of commercial contracts or even new recruitment reports. Everything is now in one place, it's up to you to make the right decisions! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/256ea04ce8d1a06690099218e234acfa5d1f9f97.png[/img] [h3][b]Customize your academy structure as you wish[/b][/h3] Many of you have asked us about the construction of their academy and their (too limited) flexibility to personalize it. We agree with this observation and with the importance of being able to orientate your investments according to your objectives and the identity you wish to give to your structure. This is why we have set up a brand new infrastructure system that will give the managers the possibility to really decide on their investment choices and thus set up an academy that reflects their image. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/2b183b695354ae967f34bc6f0759d0fc0093c7c3.png[/img] [h3][b]New contract management / negotiation system [/b][/h3] In order to reflect the reality of the circuit, we have decided to review the way in which all negotiations were conducted. From now on, when a new player arrives, after having negotiated his contractual conditions, another phase of discussion will take place around his/her objectives for the coming season. As in real life, a divergence between the manager and the player can have consequences on their relationship or on the morale of the new recruit. Be smart! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/85203b892979e8fda6110a720086ee764caa7e87.png[/img] As requested by many users, we have decided to create a new interface, more dynamics, for the treatment of negotiations and discussions with your player. Finally, because players' agents are an important part of the professional circuit, their place in Tennis Manager 2022 will be upgraded. Indeed, from now on, they will be at the center of the negotiations with the equipment manufacturers and will be in charge of presenting you their offers. The better your agent, the more numerous and more profitable the contracts will be offered to your players! [h3][b]Round Robin[/b][/h3] Because a tennis season without Round Robin finals cannot be, this mythical format makes its appearance in our new opus. Tennis Manager 2022 will reflect the real calendar year as much as possible. During the "Promising Finals", the "MTL Tour Finals", the "WTL Tour Finals" and the "Junior Tour Finals", there will be an initial Round Robin format for all participants before continuing with the classic knockout format for the winners of the group stage. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/3feaf7ee707de46c2cc6a45745c20096ad99e5a5.png[/img] You asked for it, you got it! Now it's up to you to ensure your place among the elite and go for the supreme title! [h3][b]Import / export of game plans[/b][/h3] It's not the most eye-catching feature, but it's one of the most requested by experts or fans of the game: having the ability to import and export your game plans as you wish. All those hours spent working out the best game strategy, the best tactics for a particular player profile. From now on, a simple click and you are in place to compete for the title! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157519/532e5166f762660a4b2f6d1888eb5d31dcfcdc56.png[/img] [h3][b]Match Simulation Enhancements[/b][/h3] As you can imagine, the 3D simulation of the games is a long term work and is constantly being improved. It is also the main vector of the immersion offered to the manager to feel closer to his player and to vibrate with him. Therefore, you have regularly underlined the importance of this aspect of the game and your aspiration to always be more authentic and to have an optimal reproduction of the match conditions. We have therefore spent a lot of time on this aspect of the game in order to make it even more realistic and precise for your fiery games! Thus, in this new opus, the AI has been improved, the behavior of the players has been enriched (replacements, effects used, shot selection) and new animations have been integrated. [h3][b]An updated DataBase[/b][/h3] As we explained in our previous article about [url=]our scouts[/url], we make it a point of honor to update our database and make it as accurate as possible to the current circuit. Attributes per shot, player profile, preferred game plans... All this information is regularly analyzed and updated by our expert partners. Finally, in addition to updating the existing players, it is fundamental that our game integrates all the new players, especially those with an interesting potential of progression. This is why we are in constant contact with our scouts who, dispatched in the 4 corners of the world, inform us and warn us of the appearance of a potential wonderkid.