Greetings, Pilots!
We're here to ''analyze'' the Track Builder and give you some more juicy details.
So, let's start where we left off. If you're coming here from the 2.6 article, then you'll remember that one introduction where you can choose the map/drone type before entering the Track Builder. If not, well, you've just been spoiled. Here we go!
Once your chosen map has finished loading you will automatically engage with the Tutorial section! The layout has been designed to be as friendly as possible to our users, so follow the tutorial and get creative! ;)
Place the launch pad, place the gate, and stick the flag!
Oh, want to see the gates that we've made specifically for Whoops? Check this scaling feature.
Alright, I'll stop with the lollygagging, let's be serious. These here are the gates that we've designed for Track Builder tool:
Pretty neat huh? But, yeah, once you have completed the tutorial, and you've assigned the pathways
You will be ready to go!
P.S. Your tracks will be saved and you can find them inside the racing category, they will be marked with the red color. One more thing, how would you like for your racing track to end up becoming one of our official race courses within the game? Soon we will have more information for you on our Discord channel, make sure to be there!
Now for the more technical heavy side of things, there is a limit of 30 'visual' gates that you can place on one track, but for their waypoints, there is a cap of 50 detections 'gates', and of course as for the limit of how many tracks you can create, that number is eight.
Keep in mind that each edit of track (click on edit) erases personal best time because each entry in edit mode can result with change in flying path and placement of gates.
[u][b][h3]Where is the achievement, though!!!??[/h3][/b][/u]
Okay, okay, here it is, we're gonna call it Architect, and it's really hard to get, you need to create your own track.
Disclaimer: If you find that this piece of news needs more information, well, I might agree with you... but right now we're having 7 days of free trial for this DLC! Go and try it, it is also $4 right now and will be so for two weeks, before we put it to its actual price of... $6.99