Red Canyon refresh and New Challenges in Update 2.6.4

We're excited to unveil a refreshed and improved version of the Red Canyon DLC map, offering a more immersive and visually stunning environment. Alongside this, we've added new challenges to keep you on your toes. We've also improved the visuals for race tracks and challenges, making them more attractive and inviting you to give them a try. [h2]Red Canyon Refresh[/h2] Alongside the map upgrade, we're adding 4 new challenges to the Red Canyon DLC pack—2 for regular drones and 2 for micro drones. These challenges will be featured in the Exclusive Challenge section of the game (more info below). The best part? [b]The price of the DLC remains unchanged despite these exciting new additions![/b] Alongside adding more vegetation and optimising models, we've introduced a new point of interest in Red Canyon: the [b]Oil Rig[/b]. We challenge you to test your freestyle skills here and share your creations in our Discord channel. The best entries will be rewarded! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37392056/2a94b7043e93f6a93d39fdffc4aff285b698f059.png[/img] Introducing the Wild West Challenges Series—four brand new challenges that bring a fresh, arcade-style twist to FPV SkyDive. Get ready to experience FPV SkyDive like never before, as we blend precision flying with exciting arcade elements! [h3]New Racing & Challenge Screens[/h3] The updated racing section now offers a comprehensive list of race tracks, allowing you to choose between official race tracks and custom races created with the track builder. Every track launched by ORQA now features an outline preview, extra details about the track, and a more user-friendly leaderboard. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37392056/9223a09cd7df0adbd41b075d07309805f1dd3702.png[/img] Challenges also receive a similar overhaul, with a new overview that divides them into Standard and Exclusive categories. The revamped interface highlights the Flight Points bar and provides more detailed information about collectible items. Our goal in the coming updates is to expand this system with a wealth of new challenges, offering even more enjoyment and opportunities to spend time with us in the simulator. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37392056/c38363d69564cc23726e268230a4ae79efbf6295.png[/img] We invite you to join our passionate community on [url=]Discord[/url]. Connect with fellow FPV enthusiasts, share your experiences, and stay updated on all the latest news and announcements. Our Discord community is the perfect place to meet like-minded individuals, exchange tips and tricks, and build lasting friendships. Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of our growing FPV.SkyDive family. Join us on Discord today and be part of the excitement!