To Whom It May Concern.

Redaxium 2

Appease God every 6 days or die! Find a way to break the cycle of ritual sacrifice.

Hello. I am redratic. I remain dedicated to making the game great. I've continuously updated the game since it was released. Admittedly not as much as the first game. Till now i've avoided use of announcements to talk about the negative side of game development. But this time it seems there's a revealed truth about my game that cannot be denied. The game constantly suffers from regressions.. of the same darn things. Atleast the game looks better than ever right now. But the bugs are really an issue. They restrict game design and the ability for the game to do what it's suppose to do. Bugs can ruin just about everything. I made this entire game and the previous myself (this was before the era of AI), I had to cut many corners. Which only got worse when I realized people weren't playing the game. The game was never setup to be easily iterated or polished. I just wanted to make a game.I also never expected that people would never test/play the game. I got maybe 1 or 2 people who sometimes checkout the game's latest patch. Redaxium 2, .. it's a game. But I want to make it great. I can't just keep creeping along slowly improving the game only to have 10 steps backwards suddenly occur. Especially on the same issues. That said I need a long break. p.s. I have not forgotten about the Legacies idea. But I can't pursue it deeper until more of the game is stable and fleshed out.