Tips for Yotunz—master combat in Arboria.


Fight, die, and fight again in this dark fantasy trollz-like roguelite. As a Yotun troll warrior, descend into the ever-changing, creepy dungeons of Durnar. Use a variety of Symbiotic Weapons and Bio-Mutations to slay enemies and heal The Father Tree.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/43147a0246174cf39d7d84b24a3e82b71d738c25.jpg[/img] [h3]Yotunz![/h3] How long can you survive in the dungeons of Durnar? Whatever the answer is, we can help you beat your record (and the creepy monsters). Check out our tips to make the most out of each dungeon run. First of all, you need to remember one crucial detail—don’t be afraid to fail. Dying is actually a way to improve in [i]Arboria[/i], so learn from your mistakes and get some crazy new traits for your next Yotun. Now, let’s jump into Durnar! [h3]Battle tips for young Yotunz:[/h3] [olist] [*]Don’t attack all of your enemies at once—instead, keep your distance and eliminate them one by one. [*] Observe your enemies’ behavior. Studying your enemies’ movement strategy will help you predict upcoming attacks and give you enough time to dodge them. This is important since Arboria can’t be won simply through spamming attacks. [*] Are you new to Durnar? Strike twice or thrice and then dodge. It’s a simple and relatively safe strategy to have at the start and it will help you to survive long enough to learn new tricks. There is no stamina bar so you can dodge as much as you want. [*] Be extra careful when locking on an enemy in a group. Observe your surroundings and pick monsters in the most convenient position to be attacked. Then, destroy them one by one. [*] When encountering a large group of enemies, make sure to take out flies first. Flies are annoying enemies that can distract you from your battles with larger, more difficult opponents. [*] Shockwave, your first mutation, is perfect to deal with groups of enemies. Lure them close enough and deal some nice AoE (area of effect) damage with just one hit. [*] Another useful strategy is to run towards enemies and roll behind their back while they’re busy attacking. Sometimes you’ll be able to hit them from behind before they even start to turn around. [*] Apply Essence to your weapons based on the enemies you’ll be fighting next. Each Essence has its forte and deals greater damage against certain types of opponents. [*] Before you reach for a healing Bongo, check the map for places marked by green pluses. Interacting with them will give you some free health points. [*] Each Mutation, based on the applied Essence, acquires new abilities. Pair up Essences with Mutations based on what you need in a given moment for the best result. [*] Create Super Essences as soon as you unlock this feature. They increase the quality of your equipment and reroll items’ bonuses. [*] Utilize the environment in battle. For example, Bio bombs lying around can come in handy in some situations. Also utilize traps and have enemies walk into them. [*] Participate in Godz Tests. Finishing them will provide your Yotun with a bonus. [*] Choose your armor based on your current needs. Different armor has different features, so don’t just stick to one piece of it because the protection value is good. [*] Loot the bodies of fallen Yotunz for their equipment, but stay alert—monsters guarding them are stronger than other enemies. [/olist] Are you a Yotun expert with more tips to share? Is there a challenge you can’t quite overcome? Join our Discord or head to Steam Discussions and let us know. Who knows, maybe your advice will save a Troll! [h3]Connect with the Tribe on Arboria’s official channels:[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/645be83a137d3c70f8afea0a46f0ee092265b9be.png[/img] [url=]Like us on Facebook[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/30dcb8d455a3b750d6ec4d601b7dd58645122467.png[/img] [url=]Follow us on Twitter[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/b706e9196decffb8d3cee395f437c1dbea316a95.png[/img] [url=]Check out our Steam page[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/832cefd236f3105807c450feca0d3f9f11498c52.png[/img] [url=]Subscribe to our Newsletter[/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36023606/aca16383221fe10c3f6c3284fd325b47beb229ba.png[/img][/url]