Time for Sail! 50% OFF!

Lobster Empire

Lobster Empire is a game in which you build up your own lobster business, developing better fishing techniques and ways to create long-lasting and profitable lobster resources.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30097444/0b09e049a5223bc61964f196575075a3d67266f0.png[/img] Hello, brave Lobstermen! The sky is so blue, the wind is so good, and the sea is so calm. This Summer Sale is the right time to sail. Lift the anchor! We give you [b]50% off sale[/b] for Lobster Empire this time! Catch tons of lobster, sell it to market, breeding lobster, find mysterious and beautiful rare lobster, recruit lobstermen, and more. But remember, the sale will be ended on [b]July 10, 2019[/b]. You need to speed up your ship before the sale ended. All hands on deck! So, what are you waiting for? Become the best lobstermen ever! You can buy Lobster Empire here : https://store.steampowered.com/app/665960/Lobster_Empire/ Last but not least, we want to say thank you for all your support so far. We are very grateful of them. Prepare the boat, time to catch some lobster :D Cheers!