TheFighters: NewBlood (DEMO) is now avaliable

TheFighters Online

Online fighting game

Recently I started making Improvements to the game graphics which make the game more playable than before, [previewyoutube=iqX39GBQ_ig;full][/previewyoutube] most things changed in-game - adding a Cut Scene - HDR + 4k - Player movements with my previous game the player was just jumping with one animation, Now all movement animations added - AI bot more intelligent than before - Camera position - Sounds effects for now, this is just a demo game [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42706786/9a514e452d7ddfc797e8f4c2984dd8cfd887a01c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42706786/6b92516ef9dc5a8cf7f36504885840133c201dd2.png[/img] and I will be happy to get your review