The Year Ahead for Ardem

Hello, everyone! 2025 is here, and the team is back at work after the winter break. 2024 went by so fast, but we are really blown away by all the feedback, videos, and new faces that have joined us! Playtest 3 went really well, and we gained a ton of useful feedback from all of you! [b]Thank you![/b] With that in mind, we're looking to the future! In the short term, applications are still open for our [b]Closed Alpha Program[/b]. If you [url=]didn't read about it[/url], you can sign up, and if selected, you'll be able to test Ardem and join us for specific sessions where we will all test new systems and stress test our servers. [b]Applications will close on January 12th[/b], and selected participants will receive their keys on January 13th. We will also have a bunch of Dev Diaries going live, as well as some interesting new content, but more on that at a later date! In the long term, we are working towards our next Public Alpha Playtest, and while we don't have a locked-in date for that just yet, it isn't too far on the horizon! We will continue to share small updates and sneak peeks over on our [b]Discord server [/b]so be sure to [url=]join us there[/url]! We are also aiming to see the game's Early Access launch this year, so 2025 will be a huge one for us! We can't wait to see you all again in Ardem, - Techtive Games