The Wife Next Door - Update version 1.0.1

The Wife Next Door

First-person 3D stealth action NSFW game. You have to go to the wife's room next door and set up a camera without anyone noticing. Maybe you can get away with a few pairs of fragrant underwear, and maybe there will be more unexpected developments.

Added hints to improve locating gym training spots for three stats, making it easier for players to find training locations. [olist] [*] STR (Strength): Red mat behind the gym. Focus on the center of the mat, and when "Interact" appears on the screen, click the left mouse button. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44914065/0d225191dd6e1052fd2a11d36a5716c5fa3f4935.png[/img] [*] FLE (Flexibility): Yellow yoga mat behind the gym. Focus on the center of the mat, and when "Interact" appears on the screen, click the left mouse button. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44914065/0ad725bd05b399903ec502c26f11bf15ab1c76a9.png[/img] [*] STA (Stamina): Treadmill inside the gym. Focus on the treadmill, and when "Interact" appears on the screen, click the left mouse button. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44914065/0688e8129a41e625da528e60322b0d3167e394ca.png[/img] [/olist]