The Void awaits...

Boneraiser Minions

Amass an army of deamonic undead to fight endless waves of heroes intent to end your boneraising ways! In this gothic-horror auto-battle roguelite, use the bones of slain heroes to raise your minions, collect powerful relics and spells, and unlock meta upgrades, all to survive King Gigald's crusade!

Greetings again filthy boneraisers... I've been beavering away raising something else of late, namely a new game called Voids Vigil! It's an auto-battling bullet heaven like Boneraiser Minions so you might just like to have a nice play with it. You won't be raising bones though, instead robotical cogs which you can use to buy auto-attacking weapons, active abilities, drones, and eventually upgrade them into mega variants. It's more action orientated than Boneraiser and doesn't have the same meaty meta grind as I wanted something that's a bit more fun to play with right out of the gate. So if you're fan of Boneraiser's faster-paced Necrotic Skirmishes game mode (or just Brotato) you might like it. I also added a Bullet Heaven bundle so if you have Boneraiser already you'll get Void a little cheaper. Enjoy and happy cograising! :]