Patch v36.11

Boneraiser Minions

Amass an army of deamonic undead to fight endless waves of heroes intent to end your boneraising ways! In this gothic-horror auto-battle roguelite, use the bones of slain heroes to raise your minions, collect powerful relics and spells, and unlock meta upgrades, all to survive King Gigald's crusade!

//misc changes - Tamed Candle Ghost minion: Their contact damage and flame attack now un-Bless enemies. - Tamed Supermassive Slime minion: They now won't un-Bless enemies. - Tamed Ratty Orbica: Their Attack Speed has been increased by 25%. - Tamed Blossom Dryad: Their sprouted gems now won't Poison you. - Tamed Elden Tree: They now grow Heart Pickups. //bug fixes - Dark Metaman class: Their Hero Souls meta could reset if you had upgraded them during the Early Access days. - The Beastwhisperer class: Some of their minion colours weren't correct. - Majick Doppelganger minion: If a level 1 Doppelganger cast the 'House of Wax/Beast' spell then the transformed effect could last a long time. - Tamed Dryad: When boneraised with 2 Boning Totem contraptions it would raise more Dryads instead of a Blossom Dryad. - Tamed Candle Ghost minion: Damage inflicted by their flame attacks wasn't being added to the minion's Damage stat. - Tamed Elden Tree minion: Their AI wasn't targeting enemies. - Lexicanium Archive contraption: It could start with the 'Occult Pact' spell.