A Legionary's Life lets you play as a Roman soldier during the years of the Second Punic War and beyond. Rise up through the ranks and win prestigious awards or just focus on making it home in one piece; it's up to you.
As I mentioned in my previous announcement, the update containing the Second Macedonian War and the ending will be released on [b]August 29th[/b]. With that, [i]A Legionary's Life[/i] will be complete and playable from the beginning to the end. But there is more: contrary to my original intentions, the Early Access phase is not going to end with this update. I have decided I don't want to rush the final release. I will use a little more time to gather feedback from you so I can polish and balance the game before it's really considered [i]finished[/i]. I can't tell you how long this new stage will last: according to my current plans, the final release should happen in early October, but I have not yet taken a definitive decision; it depends on too many factors.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your fantastic support. Though I can't reply to everyone and I certainly can't implement every request, I will keep reading every comment and every post with great interest, as I always did.